A Sunflower's Point of View

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I woke up at 4am to think about a dream that involved a thick jungle and a mansion that was alive as well as occupied with shadows.

The shadows were malicious and the house was mischievous and between the two it was a very dangerous place. The tricky part was that the jungle would prove deadly to stay in for any duration of time.

I woke up and thought about the elegant wood mantles, door frames and soft waving white curtains. The deep fire places, the ominous corners, the threatening stairs and the misleadingly soothing colors on the walls.

The dream meant something but I am torn. Was this a place that existed as I saw it or was this a representation of a physical space or was this a reflection of something inside me?

The house was breathing with life. The individualism of each detail was startling and, even after several hours of absolute boredom, I still find them easy to readily recall correctly.

The shadows were separate from the life of the house but they were trapped in the same space. They were lethal in their desires and goals. In the dream, I tried to figure a way out of the house that would not include a trek through the murderous surrounding jungle.

And there was something about a painting. A portrait painting, that was the key.

Friday, October 16, 2009


Every day I walk into an office full of people that fall into two categories.

Lot number one are generally stressed beyond what I would consider normal and healthy -every single day. They hurry and rush to meetings, take three or four ice runs and never ever mention anything remotely personal. If you make the mistake of asking what they are doing for the weekend you will get a cross eyed look and a cool silent response.

Lot number two laugh and sing the day away. I think that they do work sometimes but because of their light hearted approach at everything, they are completely ostracized by lot number one.

Compounding these issues, are yearly reviews of employees that have been ongoing this week. Now add to that the newest policy that you must be in business dress unless you would like to make a ‘voluntary’ contribution to a foundation of the company’s choice.

Side note: I don’t mind wearing dresser clothes. I Do mind when it is a pesky maneuver attempting to get to my cash.

But today is Friday and Friday is a magical day.

On Friday Lots one AND two are smiling. I walk around and I see members from both lots speaking to each other… granted lot one is determinedly picking topics that are work related and lot two ignores the work part and chats about the other’s cute shoes but the point is that they are talking… amiably.

I love Friday. Someone has brought in cake and someone else brought in homemade cookies. Two pots of wretched cheap coffee are freshly made and happily guzzled. I wore jeans too, but brought dress pants in the car as back up.

But today is Friday.

And today even one of the bosses cheated and wore jeans.