My outfit rocks today.
This is worth noting because many of my daily clothing choices are an epic fail lately. The expanding waist line has only added to my usual morning closet conflict.
Anyway... Roxie
Roxie is a sweet hearted, gentle, attention mongering little creature. Cute picture huh?
Roxie is the newly adopted member of my extended family. My Mom took her in the day before Mother's day. Roxie is staying with us for about a week.
This is awesome because Luna has been in dire need of puppy time and these two knuckle heads are about the same age, similar in size and LOVE each other.
Yes they met less than a month ago - But their comparable energy levels, sense of fun and mischief, shared need to tumble, tackle and run, have made them soul sisters.
Together they have the destructive power of a category five tornado.
The first morning, the day after Roxie arrived, I left for work at 7:30am and I sadly choose to leave them with free reign of the house. I figured my husband is soon up at 7:45am and they were still eating breakfast and how much trouble could two little dogs get into??!
Fifteen minutes Reader.
In fifteen minutes they had up sided three large house plants, removed all couch pillows and cushions (but they were undamaged), knocked over the bar stools and were happily fighting over a tug toy next to the now crooked coffee table.

Later that day, suspicious after the incoming call advised me of the situation created in fifteen minutes, I took a rare lunch to check on the dangerous duet.
I discovered Roxie can "hamster" her container and had done so all over the main floor.
Luna knew the crooked couches, tables, turned over plants and look on my face equaled possible doom so hurried herself back to bed until the skies cleared.
I really wanted to be mad but they were so happy... so I let Roxie out and called Luna back downstairs to kick them both outside, where they wanted to be anyway....
Upon leaving I tried to barricade the living room with kitchen chairs to keep the hamster effect contained to one room.
Thankfully, that evening a sturdy and trustworthy looking wire crate arrived. My favorite person put it together and I introduced her to it.
Although Luna graduated from her crate several months she still knows the quiet ask "Kennel" will be followed with tasty snacks.
She helpfully showed Roxie this. So although Roxie was not exactly thrilled, she was amiable and willing.
Walking Roxie with Luna was an event. Roxie finds every sound, direction and distraction interesting and worth investigating. Walking past a driveway? We must go up it! Oncoming car? Lets jump in front of it! Child riding bicycle? Run around human's legs until she trips!
In a bid to make it home alive and desperate for an immediate solution, I tied her to Luna's collar.
This worked GREAT!
Luna wears a gentle lead because she is a spazy determined creature who has literally nearly dislocated my shoulder on a walk BUT Luna does get that moving cars are dangerous and walking in a straight line is the goal.
These are very important concepts.
...hehehehehehehe.... for your viewing entertainment
The end of this story, is as I walked in on today's contained disaster, I was grateful for the sturdy wire crate today.
...Like the hedgehog?
Roxie does too. It is her most prized possession. I found her in her crate, semi-buried in what was left of her bed, giving her hedgehog a bath.
Just as I leaned down to release her, Charlie torpedoed past at warp speed causing Roxie's vocal chords and heart to accelerate even more.
I realized Luna is not the only playmate in the house for Roxie and letting her out I watched the collision of three happy furry bodies.
This is worth noting because many of my daily clothing choices are an epic fail lately. The expanding waist line has only added to my usual morning closet conflict.

Roxie is a sweet hearted, gentle, attention mongering little creature. Cute picture huh?
Roxie is the newly adopted member of my extended family. My Mom took her in the day before Mother's day. Roxie is staying with us for about a week.
This is awesome because Luna has been in dire need of puppy time and these two knuckle heads are about the same age, similar in size and LOVE each other.
Yes they met less than a month ago - But their comparable energy levels, sense of fun and mischief, shared need to tumble, tackle and run, have made them soul sisters.
Together they have the destructive power of a category five tornado.
The first morning, the day after Roxie arrived, I left for work at 7:30am and I sadly choose to leave them with free reign of the house. I figured my husband is soon up at 7:45am and they were still eating breakfast and how much trouble could two little dogs get into??!
Fifteen minutes Reader.
In fifteen minutes they had up sided three large house plants, removed all couch pillows and cushions (but they were undamaged), knocked over the bar stools and were happily fighting over a tug toy next to the now crooked coffee table.
He put Roxie in her "crate", a soft fabric zippered box.
Since this act signaled to Luna that the games were presently over so she hurried back to bed.
Since this act signaled to Luna that the games were presently over so she hurried back to bed.

Later that day, suspicious after the incoming call advised me of the situation created in fifteen minutes, I took a rare lunch to check on the dangerous duet.
I discovered Roxie can "hamster" her container and had done so all over the main floor.
Luna knew the crooked couches, tables, turned over plants and look on my face equaled possible doom so hurried herself back to bed until the skies cleared.
I really wanted to be mad but they were so happy... so I let Roxie out and called Luna back downstairs to kick them both outside, where they wanted to be anyway....
Thankfully, that evening a sturdy and trustworthy looking wire crate arrived. My favorite person put it together and I introduced her to it.
Although Luna graduated from her crate several months she still knows the quiet ask "Kennel" will be followed with tasty snacks.
She helpfully showed Roxie this. So although Roxie was not exactly thrilled, she was amiable and willing.
Walking Roxie with Luna was an event. Roxie finds every sound, direction and distraction interesting and worth investigating. Walking past a driveway? We must go up it! Oncoming car? Lets jump in front of it! Child riding bicycle? Run around human's legs until she trips!
In a bid to make it home alive and desperate for an immediate solution, I tied her to Luna's collar.
This worked GREAT!
Luna wears a gentle lead because she is a spazy determined creature who has literally nearly dislocated my shoulder on a walk BUT Luna does get that moving cars are dangerous and walking in a straight line is the goal.
These are very important concepts.
...hehehehehehehe.... for your viewing entertainment
The end of this story, is as I walked in on today's contained disaster, I was grateful for the sturdy wire crate today.
...Like the hedgehog?
Roxie does too. It is her most prized possession. I found her in her crate, semi-buried in what was left of her bed, giving her hedgehog a bath.
Just as I leaned down to release her, Charlie torpedoed past at warp speed causing Roxie's vocal chords and heart to accelerate even more.
I realized Luna is not the only playmate in the house for Roxie and letting her out I watched the collision of three happy furry bodies.
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